Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Katora Chaat

Chaat – who does not love this? Every time on a lazy afternoon, in every gathering with friends, and every time with no reasons chaat is our most common snacks. We have surely explored a countless variety of it. Here is my contrition to the list- Katora Chaat. The most interesting part of it is the chaat is served in edible bowl! Let’s have a quick look on the recipe…

Preparation Time – 20 minutes, Cooking Time – 15 minutes, Serving - 4


For Dough:
  1. Flour- 1cup
  2. Refined oil – 2 Tbsp + to fry
  3. Baking soda- 1 pinch
  4. Salt- 1 pinch
  5. Water – as required

For Filling of chaat:
  1. Mung sprout  – ½ cup
  2. Chana sprout – ½ cup
  3. Onion      – 2 medium, finely chopped
  4. Green chilli – 2, finely chopped,
  5. Cucumber – 1 medium, chopped
  6. Tomato – 1 small, chopped
  7. Chaat masala- 1 Tbsp
  8. Salt- to taste
  9. Lemon juice – 1 Tsp
  10. Mustard Oil – 1 Tbsp

  1. First, slightly boil the sprouts with a little amount of salt. Remember not to boil for a long time. The sprouts should be intact in shape.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the dough with flour, refined oil, baking soda, salt and water, just like you make it for paratha.
  3. Divide the dough into small portions.
  4. Roll out each portion into a circle of 3 inches diameter, just like Poori (or luchi for my Bengali friends).
  5. Take a small stainless steel bowl. Place the rolled out poori on the back of it. Press lightly so that the it gets attached to the bowl perfectly and smoothly.
  6. Heat oil in a deep pan. Put the bowl with attached poori in the hot oil with poori touching the oil.
  7. When done that side, the steel bowl will automatically come out. And the poori will take the shape of the bowl.
  8. Remove the steel bowl. Turn the poori so that inner side gets cooked too.
  9. Remove from heat and keep aside.
  10. Continue the process for each poori.
  11. To prepare the filling, mix all the ingredients (listed for filling of the chaat) with the lightly boiled sprouts. Actually there is no restriction for this. You can add or remove ingredients according to your choice. Yogurt can be a very good option.
  12. Take each fried “bowl” and fill it with the mixture.
  13. Similarly, fill the other “bowls” as well.
  14. Serve your sprout chaat in the edible bowl !!!!