Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Incredible India: Jai Vilas Palace, Gwalior

People say that I've been born with mustard seeds under my feet !!!! And so I can't help myself from travelling a lot. I felt that I may share some of the interesting stories from my experience. this is the first:

This is the dining hall of the Jai Vilas Palace, Gwalior. there are 3 dining tables. On the top of the middle one, there lies a rail track surrounding the table. A silver train with cut glass wagons runs around the track. the 7 bogies, each with one alphabet from SCINDIA contains various drinks and dry fruits. Whenever a guest picks up a wagon containing the stuff of his choice, the train stops immediately so that he can serve himself with required quantity. Once it is placed back, it continues to move around. the Train can be seen in the box (in the front of the photograph).

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