Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Makhmali Mushroom

Mushroom….. “Bang-er chhata” what we called it in our childhood !!! :-D  It is not a very common ingredient in a Bengali meal. But after coming here in Delhi, it has become almost a regular item in our recipe. Those who are fond of mushrooms, must have made matar-mushroom which is, I believe, the most common recipe. Matar –malai- mushroom is also a very common variety of the dish. Let’s give the same dish a new twist…

Preparation Time : 15 mins, Cooking Time: 20 mins, Serving: 4


1.     Mushroom (quartered) – 250 gms
2.     Peas – 1 cup
3.     Coconut milk – ½ cup
4.     Onion – 2 medium
5.     Garlic- 4-6 cloves
6.     Ginger Paste – 2 Tbsp
7.     Cashew & Poppy seed paste-  3Tbsp
8.     Kasoori Methi – 1 Tbsp
9.     Red Chilli Powder – 1 Tsp
10. Tomato puree – 2 Tbsp
11. Garam Masala Powder – 1 Tsp
12. Salt - to taste
13. Sugar – 1 Tbsp
14. Oil – 2 Tbsp
15. Fresh Cream – 2 Tbsp


1. First, blanch the quartered mushrooms in warm water for 5 mins. Drain and keep aside.
2. Boil the peas till it become soft.
3. In the mean time, grate the onion and garlic.
4.   Heat oil in a pan. Add grated onion and garlic. Sauté till golden brown.
5. Add ginger paste, tomato puree, red chilli powder and kasoori methi. Fry for a minute or two.
6. Then add boiled peas and the mushroom. Sauté for another 2-3 mins.
7. Mix the cashew-poppy seed paste and stir continuously for a few moments. Mix salt and sugar to it.
8. After that, add the coconut milk. Check the desired consistency. If required, add some water and bring it to boil. (I always prefer to cover and cook to keep the aroma intact in the dish itself. Here also, I’ve done the same. But this is not mandatory. You can proceed with your own method and convenience).
9. When the mushroom is well cooked and the gravy is thick, add garam masala powder and the fresh cream. mix well and then turn the heat off.
10. Enjoy the super smooth texture of the dish. And the taste?? Let’s measure your own saliva !!!!

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